Tree alignment

In computational phylogenetics, tree alignment is the problem of producing a multiple sequence alignment on a set of sequences over a fixed tree.

Formally, tree alignment is the following optimization problem.

Input: A set S of sequences, a phylogenetic tree T leaf-labeled by S and an edit distance function d between sequences,

Output: A labeling of the internal vertices of T such that \Sigma_{e \in T} d(e) is minimized, where d(e) is the edit distance between the endpoints of e.

The task is NP-hard[1]

See also


  1. ^ Elias, Isaac (2006), "Settling the intractability of multiple alignment", J Comput Biol 13 (7): 1323–1339, doi:10.1089/cmb.2006.13.1323, PMID 17037961